702 Walnut Grove Ave
Bloomington, IN 47405-2204
Dr. Barna is the Founding Director of the Nikon Center of Excellence for Neuronal Imaging at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary. He has led this imaging center for more than 10 years. As a manager, he was responsible for the establishment, optimization, maintenance and training of users for the use of eight large microscope systems (confocal, STORM super-resolution, multiphoton spinning disk, and slide scanners). His imaging center provided key data in the publication of more than 100 scientific papers in high profile journals. As an innovator, in collaboration with the engineers of Nikon, he helped to establish the first N-STORM super-resolution system in Europe in 2010-2011. He then developed several hardware an software approaches to be able to perform cell-type specific STORM super-resolution imaging in complex tissue preparations that was not routinely feasible before.
After spending five months at IUB to help establish the new MSPM imaging center, Dr. Barna permanently moved to Bloomington and began his work as a Senior Research Scientist and as the Director of the MSPM core facility in August of 2022.