Multi-Scale Imaging Core-MPM

Indiana University Bloomington, Center for Cannabis, Cannabinoids, & Addiction

MSIC - Multiphoton Microscopy

MSIC-MPM Principal Investigator: Hui-Chen Lu

In vivo 2P Ca2+ and Selected Sensor Imaging

In vivo 2P Ca2+ and selected sensor smaging (such as endogenous cannabinoid sensor) of awake-behaving mice.

The core facility is equipped with a specialized surgery suite featuring a customized stereotaxic apparatus tailored for surgical interventions in neonatal pups and adult mice. For training purposes, we offer four dedicated stations equipped with voluntary treadmills capable of simultaneously accommodating adult mice for awake imaging training. In vivo sensor signal will be imaged with a 25X/NA 1.1 Water Immersion objective lens.  During sensor imaging sessions, comprehensive behavioral data are captured through the utilization of four cameras. These include Basler cameras (a2A1920-160umBAS) for monitoring body part movements, Teledyne cameras (FL3-U3-13Y3M) for tracking whisker movements, and pupil dynamics—all illuminated with an 850 nm IR LED light source. Imaging data registered to electronic lab notebooks will be available to investigators. To enhance our behavioral analysis capabilities, we leverage advanced tools such as Facemap, DeeplabCut, and Anipose. We also have established a Cloud-based data analysis pipeline with DataJoint. Investigators can work with DataJoint to upload datasets into their server and conduct data analyses through our established pipelines. 

Proposal Review

Each proposal will first be reviewed by the core PI for suitability. Proposals deemed suitable will be reviewed by the C3A steering committee. Dr Lu will work with steering committee to select projects based on scientific value, projected impact on the substance use disorder field, and feasibility. All applicants will receive feedback on their proposal and will be offered the opportunity to be mentored by a C3A PI or Affiliate in subsequent applications to the C3A or external agencies. One or two ScaleS-2P projects and/or one in vivo 2P project will be served per year.

Proposals will be ranked by the following criteria:

1. A clear rationale on how the proposed research project will benefit from access to the MSIC core and will address substance use disorders. 

2. A well thought-out experimental plan on how data generated from MSIC core will benefit a grant proposal and/or provide key data for a manuscript in preparation.

3. The impact of data generated by the MSIC core on the applicant’s ongoing research program. Low priority will be given to proposals that merely supplement ongoing research.

4. Data from MSIC core will be critical for the PI’s NIDA (or other relevant funding agency) grant application.

5. Readiness to conduct the proposed experiment, such as the availability of essential mouse lines and/or key reagents for the proposed experiment.

6. A clear plan and commitment to execute the proposed experiment. For in vivo 2P imaging experiments, it is required to have a designated senior researcher who is committed to conduct experiments in the C3A core at a specific time. This person should have demonstrated expertise in mouse surgical procedures.

7. Agreement to give a short presentation of the project at least three times (typically, before the project starts, in the middle of the project, and at the end of the project) to the monthly C3A research meetings and once to the external advisory board (EAB) at the annual EAB meeting. A summary report will be prepared when the project is completed.



Research and content found in this publication is supported by the National Institute On Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30DA056410. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.